Pyrolysis Plants Designed For The Circular Economy

Carbon Clean is defined by a vision of a decarbonised, clean and circular economy with a stable climate. We’re here to ensure biodiversity and a flourishing web of life has been preserved for future generations to enjoy. Where do we fit into that vision? We design pyrolysis processes that transform thousands of tons of waste per year into clean fuels and carbon rich solids. Our climate positive processes transform low value materials like wood and food industry waste into high value base materials for the circular economy.

Our Pyrolysis Technology

Carbon Clean electrical control panel installation

With indirect fired rotary kiln technology as our starting point we design, build and operate self-sustaining pyrolysis and gasification systems to create closed-loop processes where waste material is transformed into resources for the circular economy. In many applications the output is clean fuel and carbon rich solids which are in high demand as resources for the future stability of the climate. In other applications, materials that were previously being sent to landfill can now be recovered, regenerated and cleaned so that they can be used again.

Pyrolysis is a versatile process. It can be produced in small makeshift kilns or large polished, self-sustaining industrial systems. Carbon Clean’s thermal processes are industrial scale, continuous operation systems. Our first commercial scale plant will be up and running in Q3 of 2023, in the west of Ireland.

Create A Clean, Decarbonised Future With Us

We work with businesses, governments and institutions to create circular processes for a clean, decarbonised future. Together we identify the opportunities presented by pollution and existing waste streams to create new resources for the circular economy.

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